thedaileygrind — salt and pepper mill set


Colorful Morrison mill set

As many of you know, I like colorful things. A lot! I like to add color to plain pieces to liven them up. Recently I’ve been making ash mills and dying them all one color. Sometimes I add a liming wax to knock the color down and it adds a secondary color to subtly contrast the base color. Those …

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Feeling Blue?

  I had a request recently by a gallery to make a set of mills that I used to do a long time ago. This is an  8 inch set of Morrison mills turned from ash and then dyed blue. Most of the time I would air brush the dye on but this time I didn’t want to take …

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Check out this mill set

This is a special 8 inch salt and pepper mill set made in Maple, Oak and Walnut that I just finished up for a customer. The block starts out as 24 layers of 1/8 inch thick wood that has been laminated together. There are two layers of Maple, one layer of Walnut and two layers …

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My most challenging pepper mill

The other night at our local woodturning club’s monthly meeting I was asked about what was my most challenging pepper mill design to turn. And also if I ever made the mistake of turning through and into the hole that I had drilled to hold the pepper corns. My answer was that I had indeed made the …

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Lighthouse Grinders

I thought that I would share with you a recent set of spice grinders that I made. These are Maple Burl spice grinders and are my version of a Maine lighthouse. I make up about 10 sets of these per year. I probably could make more but the Maple Burl starts out three inches thick …

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Ryanne’s learning to shoot product shots.

It’s Ryanne (our oldest daughter) and I alone here today.  Her little sister has gone off for the day to play at a friends house.  Ryanne likes photography and I needed to take some pictures of some mills for the site so I’ve been teaching her how I take product shots and how to use Photoshop.  This …

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