thedaileygrind — Dailey Grind
A Journey: Transforming a log – Part 1
I get asked a lot of questions about what I do with a log. It might be how do you know where to get the best bowl from a log or what are you going to make from that log. So I’ve decided to take you on a little journey and show you all the things …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: A Journey blister maple bowl blister maple wooden bowl bowl making bowl turning Bowls and Platters Carthage Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner Dailey Grind dailey woodworking kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning making a bowl My Shop The Dailey Grind transforming a log turning a bowl wood turning woodturning woodturning in maine
Day 21, 22 and 23 of my summer of turning
Day 21 On day 21 of my summer of turning, I was making a few different styles of bottle stoppers. I made some t-handle stoppers and the one pictured that features a stainless steel stopper. The top was turned from dyed purple Box Elder Burl and hopefully, I turned it into a pleasing shape. You …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bottle Stoppers Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner curly maple Curly Maple fruit bowl curly maple salad bowl curly maple wood bowl curly maple wooden bowl curly maple wooden candy dish Dailey Grind dailey woodworking Etsy fruit bowl hand turned wood salad bowl kim dailey made in maine maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning my summer popcorn bowl salad bowl stainless steel bottle stoppers stainless steel stoppers The Dailey Grind wood wood fruit bowl wood salad bowl wood turning wooden fruit bowl wooden salad bowl woodturning woodturning in maine
Old sayings and days 10,11 and 12 of my summer of turning
In my last couple of posts, I mentioned that I have been sick. Sick enough that for days 10 and 11 of my summer of turning there wasn’t any turning. So I didn’t post either. So it’s day 12 and I’m starting to feel better. Now to catch up on orders that I’ve fallen …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: bark edge bottle stopper bark edge stopper bark edge york gum burl Bottle Stoppers Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner Dailey Grind dailey woodworking Etsy kim dailey Life in general live edge bottle stopper live edge york gum burl made in maine maine maine made maine woodturner Maine woodturning natural edge bottle stopper natural edge stopper natural edge york gum burl stainless steel bottle stoppers stainless steel stoppers wood wood turning woodturning woodturning in maine york gum burl
The story of Dave and my summer of turning, day 3
I realize by just posting pictures and descriptions of something that I’ve made probably isn’t as exciting for you as it is for me. So I’m going to try to add little stories to keep you coming back. The story of Dave My earliest recollection of wanting to work with wood is from the …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: bark edge maple burl Bottle Stoppers Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner Dailey Grind dailey woodworking kim dailey Life in general live edge maple burl made in maine maine maine made maine woodturner Maine woodturning maple burl My Shop natural edge maple burl stainless steel bottle stoppers stainless steel stoppers wood wood turning woodturning woodturning in maine Woodturning Influences
Ornament time
I don’t know what it’s like in your house but in our house we love to watch all the Hallmark Christmas movies. This year the Hallmark channel had Christmas movies in July, tying into the whole Christmas in July thing. Then they started showing new Christmas movies on Halloween weekend. So, needless to say, I’ve seen …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner Christmas Ornaments Christmas Tree Ornaments Dailey Grind dailey woodworking kim dailey made in maine maine maine made maine woodturner Maine woodturning maple maple burl maple burl ornament Ornaments spalted maple spalted maple ornament The Dailey Grind Tree Ornaments wood turning woodturning woodturning in maine
Going Stir Crazy?
It just seems like it’s been one of those winters. People in the cities are screaming about how much snow they have gotten and for them it probably is a lot. However for us in the western mountains of Maine the snowfall amount has been about average, so far. At this time of the year …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Ambrosia Maple Ambrosia Maple platter Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner Dailey Grind dailey woodworking Figured Maple kim dailey Life in general made in maine maine maine made maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning maple maple platter spalted maple The Dailey Grind wood wood platter wood turning wooden platter woodturning woodturning in maine