The winner of the picture contest is….

Winner!  Grain pattern facing out.

A big thank you to everyone who voted.  And the winner is….. the grain facing out by a huge margin of 2 votes.  The voting was very close and was actually tied most of the way through the weekend but facing out managed to squeak out the win.  The mills have been delivered to Maine Public Broadcasting Network (MPBN) and will be up on their site soon.  I will let you know if they get juried into the MPBN Juried Art Show.  Dailey Woodworking helps to support MPBN each spring by donating one of our products to the auction. MPBN is a great organization that brings many programs into our lives and one of our favorites has to be the high school basketball tourneys each spring.  Please think about helping them out by purchasing from the auction or making a donation to MPBN.  You can check out some of the things that they have up for auction by clicking here.   Thanks again to all who voted.

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  • Kim Dailey