thedaileygrind — salad bowl
Bowl 9 of 100 wooden bowls challenge
Today’s bowl is #9 in my 100 bowls challenge. This is a 10 inch Curly Maple wooden salad bowl. As you can see from the picture above that this bowl features a lot of curly figure. This bowl is 2 1/2 inches high and has a rounded rim. You can read more about this bowl …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner curly maple curly maple salad bowl curly maple wood bowl curly maple wooden bowl dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine
Bowl 8 of 100 bowls in 100 days
The bowl pictured above is bowl #8 in my 100 bowls in 100 days challenge. This is a shallow 7 inch wooden bowl made from Curly Maple. You can read more about this bowl on my website. I believe that this wood bowl was the 5th bowl taken from that particular block of wood. …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters candy dish Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner curly maple curly maple salad bowl curly maple wood bowl curly maple wooden bowl curly maple wooden candy dish dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine
Bowl 6 of 100 bowls in 100 days
This is the sixth bowl in my 100 bowls in 100 days odyssey. This wooden cherry bowl is 8 inches in diameter and 2 1/2 inches high. I love the color and grain lines of cherry. A bonus for me is that the cherry has a pleasant smell to it and leaves my shop smelling …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner cherry bowl cherry wood bowl cherry wooden bowl dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine
Bowl 5 of 100 bowls in 100 days
This is bowl #5 in my quest to turn 100 bowls in 100 days and it’s a wonderful Walnut Burl wooden bowl that was hand turned here in Maine. I’ve turned a lot of Walnut Burl but I can’t remember coming across a piece as highly figured as this. This bowl has burl patterns …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl walnut walnut bowl walnut burl walnut burl wood bowl walnut burl wooden bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine
Bowl 4 of 100 bowls in 100 days
Bowl 4 in my series of 100 bowls in 100 days challenge is just a little wooden bowl. The bowl is 5 1/2 inches in diameter and 1 1/4 inches high. The bowl was turned from a Cedar Burl and is the sixth bowl that I have gotten from that burl. This bowl maybe …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner cedar bowl Cedar burl cedar burl wood bowl cedar burl wooden bowl cedar wood bowl cedar wooden bowl dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl spalted maple salad bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine
Bowl 3 of 100 bowls in 100 days
This is bowl number 3 of the 100 bowls in 100 days challenge. Today’s bowl is a commission for a wedding present. Thank you LW of New Hampshire for allowing me to make this bowl for the special couple. This Spalted Curly Maple wooden salad bowl is 17 inches in diameter and 6 inches …- Kim Dailey
- Tags: Bowls and Platters Carthage Maine carthage ME Carthage woodturner curly maple curly maple salad bowl curly maple wood bowl curly maple wooden bowl dailey woodworking fruit bowl kim dailey made in maine maine made maine wood bowl maine wood bowl maker maine wooden bowl maine wooden bowl maker maine woodturner Maine woodturning My Shop salad bowl spalted maple spalted maple salad bowl spalted maple wood bowl spalted maple wooden bowl spalted maple wooden salad bowl wood woodturning woodturning in maine