Dailey style pepper mill

8″ Dailey style pepper mill made in seven color laminated wood

I promised in a post a while ago that I had one more pepper mill design to share with you.  The last design would be the Dailey style and yup, you guessed it, the design is named for my family.  I don’t make very many of this design and you won’t find it on my website, at least not right away.  I don’t remember now which turning symposium that I was at but I saw a gentleman named Mark Sfirri demonstrate offset turnings.  Basically you start off with your turning just like all of the others but after a little turning you move the center line over a little bit and turn some more.  You can do this as much as you would like provided you either don’t run out of wood or break the piece.  I thought it would be cool to try offset or off center turning on a pepper mill.  The difference between what I had seen Mark do and what I wanted to do was that I actually have a 1 1/16″ hole running right up the center of my mills and he was using a solid piece of wood.  So with the hole in mind I set out to see exactly how far I could push this design without breaking through into the hole in the center.  What you see pictured above is one of my first attempts.  I was happy with the outcome and now I’m eager to try the offset turning on other pieces like candle sticks and goblets.

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  • Kim Dailey