Bowl 17 of my 100 wooden bowls in 100 days challenge

12 inch natural edge maple burl wooden bowl - Dailey Woodworking

12 inch natural edge Maple Burl wooden bowl

This beautiful bowl is #17 in my 100 wooden bowl challenge. This is a 12 inch natural edge Maple Burl wood bowl. It could also be called a winged bowl or a live edge bowl. The flat rim or wings were turned to 1/8 inch in thickness and stick out from the bowl about 2 inches in some areas. You can read more about this bowl here. This is also the bowl that I cut my thumb on while I was removing a particularly stubborn piece of bark and the lathe was stopped at the time. As you can imagine this type of bowl is very dangerous to turn. Put an arm or finger in the way of the wing while it’s spinning and it could be disastrous. Don’t worry though the sharp edge has since been sanded away.

Another view of 12 inch natural edge Maple Burl wooden bowl - Dailey Woodworking

Another view of 12 inch natural edge Maple Burl wooden bowl


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  • Kim Dailey