thedaileygrind — etsy treasury


Etsy treasuries2

Here are a four treasuries from Etsy that recently featured some of my pieces. Thank you to each person for selecting pieces from Dailey Woodworking to include in your treasuries.   For your dining pleasure, if you see something that interests you in any of these treasuries just click on the picture and it will …

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etsy treasuries

Here are a three treasuries from Etsy that recently featured some of my pieces. Thank you to each person for selecting pieces from Dailey Woodworking to include in their treasuries.    ‘Spice it up!’ by Emipayne Organic Spice Tapers – Engag… ForestCandleSt… $35 D.I.Y. Round Magnetic Spice … SpiceOfLifeAk $80.8 Infinity Scarf Beautiful Upc… TomieHarlene …

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