One of our woodturning friends, Jorge Castaneda, needs our help.
Jorge’s shop roof collapsed due to all the snow that we have received along the Maine coastline this winter. Luckily his equipment survived but he is still left without a viable building to produce his work. Jorge is primarily a bowlturner and sells his pieces at different shows and markets throughout Maine. Doug Thompson from Thompson Lathe Tools has made an unbelievable offer to help Jorge.
This is best said in Doug’s own words:
It’s time to pull together to help one of our own.
I give and give and give but rarely ask for help but I’m asking now. A good friend of mine Jorge Castaneda recently lost his shop when snow collapsed the roof. He turns for a living and can’t afford to rebuild the shop that he needs so badly. I saw a post on FB that hurt me bad and I’m going to do something about… here’s what’s going to happen.
From this Friday night at midnight March 20th to Sunday night at midnight March 22 the benefit will happen.
Purchase tools off my web Thompson Lathe Tools THEN Post your name and the total amount including shipping purchased on a separate thread to be created Friday night for Jorge here… 100% of the money will be donated to Jorge.
I absorb the manufacturing costs, shipping because your shipping cost will go to Jorge, the taxes on that money… everything. I always tell people not to buy a lot of tools but this weekend you need a extra tool or two or three. If you purchase a handle it will have your name plus a extra “JC Benefit” so you can remember that you helped.
I don’t do this for a living and I’m big on helping others, the homeless, food banks, kids with cancer and their families. Pay it ahead are the best words we can live by… Give because it makes you feel good to help out another person. It’s time to help… if we do $1,000 I’m going to feel like a fool for wasting my time, $5,000 I’ll have a smile but the goal is $10,000 REMEMBER 100% of the purchase will go directly to Jorge. I’m not playing the game to give a percentage off so I can make money and he gets a little bit… It’s 100%… all the money… remember that when you buy. Doug
Here’s Jorge’s story if you don’t know him;
I am Jorge Castañeda, a builder and woodworker in general, located in rural Maine. I love trees and wood and have been a pro wood worker for the last half-century: ships, boats, houses, furniture and of late a bowl turner…
I started JC Turnings in 2006, and from day one people liked my bowls and started buying them.
Then in 2008 a stroke pretty much ended my commercial building days. I started putting all my time into turning, which was immediately rewarding, and all of a sudden, the bowl business took off and now has a life of its own. I sell my bowls and platters at Farmer’s Markets and festivals around Maine and sales are steadily growing, to the point that last year I had trouble keeping pace with the demand.
A shed to store building materials was also my makeshift workshop. Alas, that shed came to a sudden end with the last snowstorm, when the weight of the snow crushed it beyond repair. Somehow it must be replaced, as my income from the bowls I sell supplements my small pension, and I need a proper space to keep turning.
A smaller shop would be ideal, so it is easier to build and easier to heat in the winter. With a winterized shop, I could produce bowls all year-round, and have a small space to use as a storefront.
That’s why I decided to ask you to help me rebuild my shop, and be part of helping my small business grow. I like to do things to help others and my community, and hope to be able to give back to other people’s projects in the future, as I have done in the past. I would be extremely grateful for any aid. Thank you so much. Jorge
There’s the deal. You can get some great tools and help a fellow woodturner at the same time. I will vouch for Doug’s tools because I use them everyday in my woodturning shop.
It’s come to my attention that people are looking for a place to put their name and amount spent, as Doug has requested. Please feel free to put your name and total amount spent at Thompson Tools this weekend as a comment on this post.
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