Announcing Online Cash Mob Etsy Maine Team November 8, 2013



2013 Etsy Maine Team Cash Mob November 2,2013


I am part of the Etsy Maine Team – a community of over 700 online shops with over 13,000 items that supports and helps one another promote their shops through the wonderful auspices of Etsy, Facebook, Twitter and most recently Pinterest.

We are having our 2nd Annual Online Cash Mob (from Wikipedia “A cash mob is a group of people who assemble at a local business to make purchases. The purpose of these mobs is to support both the local businesses and the overall community.” – unlike a physical cash mob) – ours will be all online and support our team in Maine.

So mark your calendars please and on November 8th go to then in the search box type maineteam  (all one word) – all the items tagged with this word will show up and from there you can narrow your search with the categories listed on the left of the page. You can also search with keywords, say you were looking for a pepper mill, one of my personal favorites, you would type in maineteam pepper mill and anything from the Maine team that is pepper mill related would come up. Just always remember to start your search with maineteam and you should find it under a Maine company. Thank you for supporting local businesses!

Please help spread the word and thank you in advance for your support of our big day!

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  • Kim Dailey