We're In! Upcoming shows.

Who knew that technology could have such an affect on my everyday life? Probably everyone, right? As I sit here typing out this blog post, I'm doing it on a new laptop because the hard drive in my old laptop decided it was time to give up the ghost. It was old enough that it was time to invest in a new one anyways but still it's been an on going battle for a few weeks now and it has certainly slowed things here. I haven't taken the pictures and posted new products for quite a while because the old laptops hard drive kept crashing. After the drive crashed a couple of times while in the middle of working on pictures for the website and Etsy store I just gave up on doing them until the new laptop arrived.
So now that I've told you why you haven't seen any posts or new products in the last few weeks my original intent of this post was to tell you of a couple shows/fairs that we will be doing this year.
The first one is the Maine Artisan Bread Fair that is being held on the 29th of July from 9 am to 3 pm on the Skowhegan Fair Grounds in Skowhegan Maine. We should be inside the big show building again.
The second one is the Common Ground Country Fair which is being held September 22nd, 23rd and 24th in Unity, Maine. We should be in Maine Marketplace East again.
We love doing both of these fairs. I'll be posting more about each one as we get closer to them.
- Kim Dailey